Terrence Talley

Terrence Talley

About Terrence

Growing up in the Twin Cities, Terrence was taught to "never give up" and to help others do the same.”

Whether it was coping with being teased for the way he looked, dealing with the death of a parent, or graduating from college, Terrence never gave up.

While traveling around the country for over 7 years and speaking to audiences of all ages, Terrence uses his stories about fatherhood and life to inspire all within earshot to "never give up."

Not only will you remember what he said, but you’ll remember how he left you feeling.


“THE PROGRAM WAS OUTSTANDING. In 34 years of education, I have never seen a speaker keep 100% of the students' attention for over an hour. Positive all the way!”

About Terrence's Message

Terrence uses his stories about fatherhood and life to inspire all within earshot to "Never Give Up."

Once you hear his story, you will never forget it!

You may be laughing at Terrence talking about jumping out of mashed potatoes. Or you may be crying while hearing why it’s important to him that everyone gets a dad hug. Or a bit of both!

But whatever range of emotions he inspires, everyone leaves knowing that they are not alone and feeling empowered to make a difference.

Today, students face an uphill battle against bullying, peer pressure, family hurts and life-altering choices,” says Terrence.

“If we can help bring students together, give another option, heal some hurts and help realize positive life choices, we will have better students and a positive school atmosphere. With the battle students face, they have to know there’s hope.”


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