Students of high school age are subject to a variety of issues and pressures that can easily overwhelm them. A majority of students enter high school as children and exit as young adults. They must navigate the physical and emotional changes which accompany that journey, and can often feel that they are alone in searching for solutions to their problems. Listening to a high school motivational speaker can make a big difference in helping them make wise decisions regarding a wide range of subjects.
Why Employ a High School Motivational Speaker?
High school has always been a challenging time for students. These challenges have been made considerably harder with the prevalence of social media which opens new avenues for exerting peer pressure and bullying. Students cannot escape by simply going home at the end of the day. Their social media accounts follow them wherever they go and can lead to tragic consequences. Many teenage suicides are linked to excessive bullying conducted over social media sites. Confused, young minds see no way out except to take their own lives.
A quality high school motivational speaker can be instrumental in helping at-risk students cope with their feelings of isolation by addressing these specific concerns from a similar perspective. The speaker can use their own life experiences to connect with students in ways that parents, teachers, and administrators may not be able to achieve.
Let’s look at some concrete examples. In addition to bullying, high school students may face peer pressure related to drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, and gang affiliation among many other issues. Listening to parents and teachers lecture on the dangers of various activities can often go unheard by their intended audience. Teenage rebellion leads to students always believing that they know what is best for them.
A speaker who has lived through similar experiences to those impacting your students can offer a new and more engaging perspective on dealing with issues that are much more common than the audience might expect. They can provide coping mechanisms and first-hand examples of conquering their demons and becoming productive and functional adults. The same information communicated by parents and teachers may fall on deaf ears.
Finding the Right High School Motivational Speaker
When searching for a high school motivational speaker, you should carefully consider the effect you are trying to achieve on the student body. While we have previously talked about problems that may be impacting the students, motivational speakers can also address subjects such as leadership and choosing a suitable career path. The speaker you choose to hire should be well-versed in the specific topic that needs to be communicated to your students.
Ensure that the speaker you select can address the concerns or situation that led you to search them out in the first place. Using the Relevant Speakers Network affords you a selection of quality motivational speakers who can cover a wide variety of subjects. Our speakers can help your students successfully handle the pressures of growing up in the 21st Century. Contact us today to book your speaker!