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School Assemblies help Motivate and Assist Students

School assemblies offer the institution’s faculty a chance to gather their students to receive a group message or to disseminate valuable information. They may choose to directly address the students themselves or employ ancillary speakers or groups to drive home the point they want to make. An assembly provides a method to communicate a message to a captive audience that may very well be searching for answers or guidance.

Today’s students face an extraordinary array of pressures and challenges as they pursue their education and progress toward adulthood. There are the physical and mental health risks associated with drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. Social media has opened the door to sophisticated online bullying that can have tragic consequences on the fragile psyches of young victims. In general, students in the 21st Century have a more difficult path to navigate than their parents in the quest to successfully complete their studies.

Teachers and school administrators need to work in conjunction with their students’ parents to help their charges negotiate the various issues that impact them on a daily basis. They also may be required to assist some or all of them to recover from extraordinary situations such as the aftermath of a school shooting incident or other life-shattering occurrences.

Regular School Assemblies to Build Character and Confidence

Regular School Assemblies to Build Character and ConfidenceScheduling periodic school assemblies offer administrators a platform from which to communicate a specific message or just gather the students together for a communal exercise. They can be used for many purposes including informing the school’s population about new regulations, announcing winners of academic awards, and celebrating an upcoming holiday season. Perhaps one of the school’s sports teams has achieved a major victory that can be commemorated in an assembly setting.

Routine can be an important factor in a young person’s life. Adding an informative or entertaining assembly to their regularly scheduled classes can foster a sense of togetherness that is not possible through the everyday school experience. A message received by the whole school’s population can help solidify a sense of school spirit and inclusiveness that young minds need to flourish.

School Assemblies to Address Specific Situations

School Assemblies to Address Specific SituationsDue to the unexpected events that can impact a school’s students, some of the regularly scheduled assemblies may need to be used to talk about particular issues. Institutions that do not have scheduled school assemblies may need to hastily put one together to assist their students in dealing with a tragic incident that may have occurred. Unfortunately, school shootings, teenage suicide, or a horrific car accident can have a dramatic influence on students and faculty.

In cases like this, school administrators and faculty may not be able to fully convey the message that needs to be heard. This is the time to engage experienced motivational speakers who can help heal the wounds or present coping mechanisms that have worked for them in the past. The Relevant Speakers Network is an exceptional resource that can provide motivational speakers for school assemblies. Take advantage of the Relevant Speakers Network to help guide your school’s students through life’s tribulations.

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