School assemblies are an excellent way to rev-up your students’ motivation. These gatherings allow students to connect to each other in deeper, more personal ways than normal classroom settings can. While the classroom offers important information and tools to thrive in society, they do little to engage the personal aspects of life that we all encounter and must navigate through.
Classrooms don’t teach us how to connect with each other in meaningful ways that are deeply satisfying, rather than instantly or superficially gratifying. These are ‘soft tools’ to lead us to discover deeper satisfaction in everyday life. The personal satisfaction that comes from overcoming challenges, solving problems and making meaningful choices that direct where our lives go. But first, we need insights into where we want our lives to go!
School assemblies can offer valuable lessons outside of the classroom
When we’re young, we don’t quite fully realize the impact of our thoughts, words, and actions. Retrospection is often only realized as we age and begin thinking about our regrets. Learning to act with intention is a tool to help us minimize regrets we may have in the future through present moment awareness. This can be done with humor, music or fascinating storytelling with content that invokes something we can relate to. Through a variety of content in school assemblies, with aspects such as humor, teens can learn to let go, to not attach oneself to a problem or a setback too seriously. Professional school assembly speakers teach that we must take a playful perspective while working towards our goals, so that we allow room for growth, enabling us to expand and thrive—evolve—. Thus, it is important for school assemblies to offer impactful content that your students can relate to and learn from so they can pursue a fulfilling life.
Through adversity and learning to maneuver it, we develop the tools of confidence, the personal power behind everyday decision-making, and the ability to actionate results towards our goals. School assemblies organized by the Relevant Speakers Network light the fire of intrinsic motivation. Their goal is to entice students to thrive with confidence and to help them realize that challenges are to be expected, that we can learn from them and that they will make us stronger in the long-run. Let your school assemblies become a space for personal development and peer-to-peer connection. Let soft power motivate your students to do good in their own lives and in their communities. Let your students understand that challenges build the character required for successes large and small. Help your students understand that it often takes work and tenacity to succeed in our long-term goals, yet that, recognizing and celebrating everyday feats allows enables a success-oriented mindset, based on intrinsic rewards. From homework to gossip, to leading an organization, we develop the habits to succeed with each step along the way.
Build character with school assemblies that truly inspire your students
The Relevant Speakers Network is prepared to energize your school assemblies with entertaining inspiration from real life experiences. Using humor, the rhythms of music and captivating storytelling, that discuss hardships, self-esteem, peer pressure, physical challenges, and leadership. These speakers teach students about how to live a regret-free life through honest revelations about their own personal and professional struggles. Invite your students to the conversation.