Celebrating our students and appreciating their contributions and successes helps to build a stronger school community. Great Youth Speakers provide a break from the everyday routine of the classroom and excite and motivate students. Students who feel appreciated are more motivated to continue making the effort. After all, everyone appreciates receiving recognition for their accomplishments.
Benefits for your Students in using Youth Speakers
One benefit of celebrating the successes of our students is that it acts as a motivator to continue the positive efforts. To be effective, praise must be sincere, specific, and realistic. Praise that does not meet these three criteria does not motivate students. We can say one thing and mean another. Celebrating the successes of our students allows them the opportunity to feel appreciated in their work, and our Youth Speakers can provide that appreciation.
Celebrating students' success also builds confidence. Being told you are doing something well is a wonderful affirmation. Celebrating the little successes helps students build up their confidence, which will lead them to stronger accomplishments.
Another benefit of celebrating success is helping students make the connection between effort and achievement - this connection is what every teacher wants their students to understand. As the connection between achievement and effort strengthens, students are more willing to put the effort into their work. It motivates them to do more with each lesson, to bring about a stronger understanding of their efforts as compared to their achievements.
As the effort increases, so does the number of successes. As the number of successes increases, so does the effort. It is a wonderful cause and effect.
Inviting Youth Speakers for your School Assemblies
A good, strong youth speaker shows students that the school appreciates what they have accomplished. We must realize how important these assemblies can be with our students and staff. This gives them an opportunity for variety from their normal routine and is much appreciated by staff and students alike. These assemblies provide a new avenue of teaching that may otherwise not be accomplished through normal schoolroom activities.
Dynamic youth speakers which are brought into school assemblies can ignite the entire school, lighting a fire and uniting the student body. Individual students become more willing to help other students through participation with the youth speakers. School assemblies provide a unique opportunity for a youth speaker to reach the entire student body as well as staff. This is a whole new avenue of learning for your students. They will appreciate having these opportunities to enjoy the special dynamics of the youth speaker, it will enhance their learning experience.
The Relevant Speakers Network provides amazing, dynamic speakers to speak at school assemblies. These speakers have proven records of accomplishment in reaching both students and staff on any variety of subjects. Inviting one these speakers to a school assembly provides an outstanding method to celebrate your students' success, and to motivate them to aim even higher. To find out more about how The Relevant Speakers Network can help celebrate your students, please contact us today!